eveloped in cooperation with government agencies and societies like ASTM, industrial wire cloth standards are under continuing study and change.      

ASTM E29 Committee Report to AWCI

The International
Standards Organization

American Society for
Testing and Materials

Order the (ASTM)
Standard Specification
for Industrial Woven
Wire Cloth

American Society of
Mechanical Engineers

National Standards
System Network

Several Institute members serve on appropriate ASTM committees, including those for industrial wire cloth, sieves and strainers. They stay in close contact with the development and maintenance of industry standards.
The Institute also represents the interests of the American wire cloth industry by working to present the North American points of view to international bodies such as the International Standards Organization.

With the knowledge that Institute members adhere to strict quality standards -- many having achieved ISO 9000 status -- wire cloth users and customers look to members for the highest quality wire cloth products in the world.